Nassau University Medical Center
2201 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow, NY 11554 516-572-5809
* * * Press Release ***
The first Labor Day celebrations took place in New York City in 1882. Twelve years later in 1894, Congress designated Labor Day a Federal Holiday.
According to the department of Labor, Labor Day is “a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers… It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”
Is the White House going to celebrate all the working people of America on Monday, only to give them the “short end of the stick” on Thursday ("Labor Day: A Day of Rest, Remember, and Act--For 'Entitlements' and Jobs")?
According to the article “Labor Day: A Day of Rest, Remember, and Act—For ‘Entitlements’ and Jobs,” by Richard Eskow, Americans will return from their Labor Day holiday celebrations to hear President Obama announce drastic cuts to the labor force.
“The White House keeps hinting that the president will once again propose cuts to Medicare and Social Security – either when he presents his jobs proposal next week, or shortly afterwards. That would roll back the hard-won principle that people who work hard deserve their time of rest. It would also be a harsh blow to a struggling economy after a devastating jobs report.”
The President would be reversing more than a century of progress if he cuts the retirement benefits Americans have paid for throughout their working lives, something that isn’t necessary! Eskrow says, “Social Security doesn’t contribute to the deficit and is easily fixed with relatively minor revenue adjustments. Medicare can only be fixed by correcting the distortions that for –profit medicine have introduced into our health economy – or, to put it more plainly, by getting the greed out of health care.”
The article continues to explain how this cut is not something just to be feared in the future, it will affect Americans immediately. “The cuts proposed by the president would reduce benefits immediately. That means people will have less money and their fears for the future will discourage them from spending what they have.”
What happened to the principle that people who work all their lives deserve a financially secure retirement? Instead, middle-class America are working two jobs just to make ends meet – barely. Benefits that used to come with work like “health insurance, pension, vacations, and paid sick leave are becoming rarer and weaker.”
As Eskrow says, “we need a bold and effective action plan for employment. That’s half the message the president needs to convey: Here’s how we’re going to create jobs. The other half of the message must say to middle-class Americans who work in office, shops, factories, homes and retail outlets, We will protect you financial security. We will not violate the contract your nation made with you: that is you work hard, the benefits you’ve earned will be waiting for you when you need them.”
For more information on this issue, and to sign a petition that tell President Obama: Jobs, no cuts, visit this website and view the video linked below. Happy Labor Day!
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